
Your opportunities this week include RSA Fellowships from Renaissance Society of America (RSA), US.

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Funding Opportunities


RSA Fellowships

Renaissance Society of America (RSA), US

The RSA currently offers short-term Paul Oskar Kristeller Fellowships to support research in any field other than Art History. The RSA also offers some externally funded fellowships for particular research fields and themes: RSA-Samuel H. Kress Research Fellowships in Renaissance Art History and…

Maximum award: USD 2,500

Closing date: 17 Sep 24


Research chair on major societal changes - Europe and democracy

Paris Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), FR

This supports a 10-month chair or two 5-month chairs for high level international researchers in the humanities and social sciences during the academic year 2025-2026.

Maximum award: Not specified

Closing date: 27 Sep 24


Research Fellowships

Gonville and Caius College, GB

Gonville & Caius College invites applications for two types of fellowships:

  1. Research Fellowships in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  2. Research Fellowships in Sciences

Maximum award: Not specified

Closing date: 30 Sep 24 (Forecast)


Max Planck Research Groups

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG), DE

The Max Planck Society is continuing to offer talented young scientists the opportunity to lead their own independent Max Planck Research Group (MPRG) at a participating Max Planck Institute of their choice.

Maximum award: €2,000,000

Closing date: 14 Oct 24


I Tatti year fellowships

Villa I Tatti - The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, IT

These support postdoctoral research in any aspect of the Italian Renaissance, broadly understood historically to include the period from the 14th to the 17th century, and geographically to include transnational dialogues between Italy and other cultures.

Maximum award: USD 65,000

Closing date: 15 Oct 24


Solmsen Fellowships

Institute for Research in the Humanities (IRH), US

The Institute for Research in the Humanities (IRH) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is pleased to offer four Solmsen Fellowships for the academic year 2025-2026, to be awarded to scholars from outside the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Through a generous bequest from Friedrich and…

Maximum award: USD 60,000

Closing date: 24 Oct 24


Art Explora residencies in Paris

Embassy of France in Wellington, NZ

This programme offers the possibility for artists and artist collectives to carry out research and creation work in the heart of Paris, in connection with the French artistic and professional scene.

Maximum award: €6,000

Closing date: 08 Nov 24 (Forecast)


Postgraduate research studentships

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), GB

These support postgraduate research students studying arts and humanities disciplines at the partner universities in London. Funding is for three years' full-time study or six years' part-time study.

Maximum award: Not specified

Closing date: 26 Jan 25 (Forecast)


Naveen Jindal Young Global Research Fellowship

O.P. Jindal Global University, IN

This one-year fellowship is designed to host and cultivate a dynamic intellectual environment for researchers from diverse disciplines across the globe.

Maximum award: Not specified

Closing date: Unknown


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This email contains the funding opportunities over the past week that match your profile on *Research Professional. We check every funding opportunity and make sure that researchers at your institution can apply for them. Then we pull out just the ones suitable for you and put them in this email.

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This email was originally sent to ema.karo@ff.uni-lj.si.

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